Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Dragon Swordmaster - 5

The Late Arrival

While final preparations for the banquet were underway, a carriage arrived at the castle entrance. Two guards dismounted from the back of the carriage, each opening the carriage door to allow the passengers to egress. An elderly gentlemen dressed in finery stepped out, assisted by the guard. Both men circled the back of the carriage until they were at the base of the steps to await the remaining passenger. A raven-haired female stepped out. She smiled at the guards and took the old man's arm while they walked up the seven steps.

Cedric, having glanced out a window, recognized the banner of the southern kingdom of Alfgard. With great haste, he made his way to the front hall and was there to greet the Lord and Lady when they entered. "Welcome to Weston. I was worried that you did not receive my father's invitation. We did not receive a messenger," Cedric tried not to stare into the Lady's bright green eyes while he spoke to the pair.

"We did not send a messenger. Your invitation did not reach us until this morning when a hunting party discovered it on a corpse along the riverbank. It is not our custom to refuse an invitation where food is involved," the young woman replied.

"Hush, Nerina," the old man protested. "I'll not have our hosts think so little of us by implying we are only interested in their food."

"Of course, Greydawn. How unmannerly of me."

The old man turned to Cedric. "Do you know who we are?"

"I'm afraid not. My father did not make me privy to the list of invitees."

"Then allow me. I am Greydawn, a member of the Alfgard High Council. My companion is Nerina, my eldest daughter." Greydawn patted at his coat for several minutes before retrieving a blood-stained parchment. "My apologies for its condition." Cedric unscrolled the missive addressed to Councilor Greydawn to confirm their story. Cedric made a mental note to bring this tale to the attention of Gilian at the first opportunity.

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