Wednesday, January 23, 2019


"We need to just start flying drones around darting people with vaccines like we tag wildebeests." - Lawrence “Eoraptor” Hults II

The first drones appeared in 2035. No one knows where they came from, they just appeared one day. Conspiracy theorists have blamed the government for them. Alternatively, the Illuminati were named as the source of the mysterious drones.

They seemed innocuous at first, just buzzing around people getting a good look at everyone’s faces. After awhile people got used to them being there observing everything. Occasionally someone would shoot one down or accidentally run into one. But there wasn’t much to learn from the debris as they never survived the impact intact. The best guess is that they had mini self-destruct devices inside of them.

As time went on the drones became faster, more agile, and less likely to be destroyed. Soon after that, they started to sting people, injecting tiny tracking devices into them. A portion of the human population managed to avoid getting stung by the drones by simply proving to be unavailable.

Meanwhile, the military had begun to capture the drones in an attempt to determine who was responsible for them. The medical community also began to examine people who had been stung by the drones. After months of study of millions of samples, scientists discovered a new, never before seen antigen in the blood samples. People were suddenly healthier, more robust after the injections.

The doctors also found a small metallic cylinder just under the skin at the injection site. At first, they thought that it was merely the delivery system of the antigen. The devices were handed over to engineers who specialized in micro technology. A discrete signal was detected by the laboratory technicians. The conclusion was that in addition to delivering the antigen, the devices served as tags for the already inoculated.

Questions would remain unanswered for years while the drones continued their work. The truth about the strange drones was unraveled by a child. While sitting on her father’s lap, she remarked, “Daddy, you smell good enough to eat.”

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